WARNING for XHB contrib users ============================= This contrib is deprecated and not maintained anymore. This was originally meant as a temporary stop-gap solution to help migrating existing code written for xHarbour to Harbour, plus a means of documenting the differences between these two branches of the language. The recommended path is to gradually migrate to use native core Harbour functions and core language elements, then finalize that process by dropping the need for this library. Linking this library and/or using its headers (`hbcompat.ch` and `xhb.ch` in particular) may cause various unintended side-effects both at compilation and runtime. Most of this code is also never tested by this fork, and none of it is ever used, so the chances of bugs is higher than in other parts of Harbour. If you can't do without some parts of this code, feel free to fork it locally or publicly and continue maintaining it there, otherwise try switching to core Harbour functionality ASAP. -Viktor